Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day 4

This is very very hard!!

Today started with a 5 hour up hill trek to Lava Tower at 4600m

The altitude sickness has kicked in for everyone except Phil who we all now hate. Although he has started to regain our friendship by becoming official photographer. We will reserve judgement until we see the pictures

After a half hour stop at the top we walked down for 3 hours to Barranco Camp at 3900m

Halfway down I got very light headed and nearly passed out

At the camp now and all is well

Some of the guys tummies are not great

Humour levels remain reasonable given the circumstances


Jamie said...

Sounds to me like each member of the team should start the day by slapping Phil around the head to even out the team-pain ;)

Love your picture, or Phil's picture as the case may be.

Keep those humour levels up :)

McBurns said...

Burns, Day 4

Hit -4.9 on the bike today but luckily I prepped myself with an additional thin jacket and by snowboarding gloves. the two pairs of socks did nothing though.

Couldn;t find some Kendel mint cake so a flapjack, cheesy puffs and a lasagne did the job.